Photo of ARTE&PARTE A&P Venezuela

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Noya Mara was born in Caracas in the year 1969. From Pequea is known for his ability to draw and paint. She has alternated her college education with art classes. Since the year 1989 to 2004 study Honsy Workshop Pierre Jury, where perfeccionel figurative drawing and the techniques of pencil, watercolor, reading, pastel and charcoal. In the year 2000 joined the Permanent Workshop "Human Figure as Subject and Pretext for...

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Photo of ARTE&PARTE A&P Venezuela

Noya Mara was born in Caracas in the year 1969. From Pequea is known for his ability to draw and paint. She has alternated her college education with art classes. Since the year 1989 to 2004 study Honsy Workshop Pierre Jury, where perfeccionel figurative drawing and the techniques of pencil, watercolor, reading, pastel and charcoal. In the year 2000 joined the Permanent Workshop "Human Figure as Subject and Pretext for Drawing and Painting" with Abilio Padrnos in the Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas. He has taken classes in watercolor and etching with Maestro Luis Guevara Moreno. More recently has ventured into the world of the Goldsmith orfebrera Rafael Bello. Between the year 2004 and 2005 participated in three group exhibitions at the Museum of Fine Arts at the Workshop Room in Exhibit Workshop, where he has shown work in the techniques of watercolor, acrylic and printmaking. She and ten other artists from these workshops are grouped under the ART & PART name and in June 2005 set out in the Club Izcaragua. This exhibition has three works read all figurative but with different themes. Soledad Gutierrez Sanchez was born Saucejo, Sevilla, Spain. From an early age he began to have great inclination for art, but it was only years after his arrival in Venezuela in 1990, which is registered for the first time in a painting workshop led by a teacher. In the workshop "Pierre", start taking classes in drawing, charcoal, crayons, pastels, watercolor and read. At the Museum of Fine Arts of Engraving made workshops, and Technique of Burin Drypoint with Professor Luis Guevara Moreno. Today belongs to the group Art & Party, formed by students of Professor Abilio Padrnos, who constantly teaches workshops Figure, Theme and Pretext for drawing and painting workshops in the hall of the Museum of Fine Arts in Caracas. ESTHER Gamus Personal: Born in Caracas. Profession: Doctor sociologist Educacin Sciences (Paris V Sorbonne. Ao 1983) Professor at the Centre for Development Studies, UCV interest in art: I've always been interested in art educacin from my artistic studies in high school, I especially liked to take portraits of family faces. As modems in my many travels I have always been assiduous visitor of the most important museums of the countries visited artistic path: Very short, but intense, it just started studying drawing in 1999 when I enter the existence of Abilio Padrnos Workshop at the Museum of Fine Arts "The Figure: theme and Pretext for Drawing and Painting." Segutambin from the year 2003-2005 Watercolor Workshops and Luis Guevara Moreno Printmaking Exhibition: partcipcon two works in an exhibition of watercolors at the Board of Adriana MBA Workshops Herz am caraquea , born on December 11, 1967, at dawn. I have painted with water since he was four years. I was naive for a few years. I start the drawing and painting workshop Saturdays with Art program, taught by Prof. Heriberto Escobar in IUESAPAR between February and June 2002. Continumi artistic formation at the Museum of Fine Arts in Caracas with workshops Figure: theme and a pretext for drawing and painting, taught by Prof. Abilio Padrnos February 2003 to February 2005 ; Draw Watercolor taught by Prof. Luis Guevara Moreno, from October 2003 to September 2004 and Engraving, drypoint technique and burin also delivered by Prof. Luis Guevara Moreno, from September to November 2004. Participate samples exhibited both workshops at the Museum of Fine Arts (2004). I made some scenic painting for plays. Contino currently painting. Alejandra Fernandez Educaciny professionally PhD degree in Educational Technology University Montreal. Canad. Working as a teacher at Central University of Venezuela. THE ARTISTIC Since high school I have been developing painting and drawing. ART STUDIOS free art workshop led by Professor Luis Lagarda Caracas 1973/74 Apreciacin of graphic work in CEGRE CONAC, Caracas in the year 1984 free watercolor workshop led by Professor Carmen Colombo University of Montreal 1997 Workshop on human figure led by Master Abilio Padrnos, Museum of Fine Arts. Caracas 2000/2005 Watercolor Workshop with Professor Octavio Russo sponsored by Faber Castell at the Museum of Fine Arts 2004 Workshop watercolor and printmaking workshop with master Luis Guevara Moreno. MI Fine Arts Museum 2003-2005 artistic practice I am interested in creativity and intelligence strategies for the teaching at the university. An inspirational book for me was the letters to Theo Van Gogh in which has its secrets in the art of painting. Currently I have a great opportunity to work on the naked human figure with the great teacher and cartoonist Venezuelan Padrnos Abilio, who not only learn the secrets of the art in human form but I enjoy the secrets of the visual arts and learn every gives the secrets of cultivating my sensibility. I have worked as media of watercolor, ink, read, read pastel, wax oil, acrylic, paper, cloth, wood and cardboard. Another passion that I share with the media that I feel is the painting on canvas for the design of tablecloths and scarves for the design of pure personal enjoyment. I currently Arts & party group formed by 12 participants from the workshops of the Museum of Fine Arts in Caracas PARTICIPATION IN EXHIBITIONS: 1 Collective Exhibition Watercolor Workshop Fine Arts Museum 2004 2 Collective Exhibition Museum Workshop Fine Arts Exhibition 2005 3 Collective Club Izcaragua 2005 AFTER more than 20 years took up painting by Mme Carmen Colombo workshop with great stimulating creative arts in Montreal, who develop a series project Les chaises de Van Gogh. I love to paint and study the mandalas, I have some interesting studies of shapes and colors of all I like to use also as a strategy of visual representation in learning MABEL RIOS Born in Caracas, he studies teacher in Santa Ana Normal where he obtained the title of teachers, then entered the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas obtaining the title of Professor Mention with education, EVALUATION. From his teen years sintipasin by painting a self-taught he shared with his profession. Once retired begins its formation in drawing and painting at the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Armando Revern Plastic Arts, attending workshops with Art Saturdays program in drawing with Professor Heriberto Uzctegui and painting , With Mr. Luis Alarcon. From March 2004 to the present, attending the workshop topic and the excuse given for drawing and painting, led by Professor Abilio Padrnos in the Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas. CELTA BELINDA Tel (0212) 977.31.24-(0212) 976.43.64/0416.834.33.44 email: of Venezuela. He graduated in Architecture in the Year 1984 at the Central University of Venezuela. Artistic inclination from Pequea, makes Children's Painting courses at the College of Physicians of Venezuela, year 1969. Painting in the studio of painter Vareli Loris, around the year 1970. From the year 1971, painted on the Study of the Painter Joseph Castellanos. Make Courses: * 1.999/2005- Workshop of the Human Figure Drawing at the Museum of Fine Arts, Caracas, Prof Abilio Padrnos. * Paint Shop 2.003/2004- learn to draw and paint see Zapata, Prof. Pedro Leon Zapata, Ateneo de Caracas * 2003-Contemporary Art Workshop Comtemporneo, led by Antonio Lazo.Ateneo Caracas * 2.003/2004- Drawing on Watercolor Workshop, directed by Luis Guevara Moreno, Museum of Fine Arts. * 2004, Faber-Castell artistic experiences: - Drawing the Nude (Graphite and Coal), MBA, Professor Abilio Padrnos; - Chalk, Pastel and Colors (Chalk Pastell), MBA, Professor Octavio Russo; Approaching Nature (Graphite, Chalk and Charcoal), GAN, Professor Victor Hugo Irazabal. Creative Drawing (Albrecht Durer pencils and bars), GAN, Professor Peter Tern. * 2004-Printmaking Workshop, directed by Luis Guevara Moreno, Museum of Fine Arts. * Art Workshop Drawing 2.004/2005- Comtemporneo, led by Antonio Lazo, Ateneo de Caracas Fairs and Biennials: * 1991-II participates in the Spring Salon, sponsored by Soroptimist International of Caracas, earning a second prize in painting. * Participate in the 1993-III and Soroptimist 1st Biennial Spring Salon, sponsored by Soroptimist International of Caracas, Mention of honor in getting paint. * 1997 Participate in the XV-plastic Salon George Kopp of the Rotary Club of Caracas. * 1998-Participate in the 2nd Biennial IV and Soroptimist Spring Salon, sponsored by Soroptimist International of Caracas, earning a Gold Medal in Painting. Exhibitions: * 1994-Collective Exhibition, New Values of Painting in Venezuela, in the Gallery of the Centro Italiano Giotto Venezuela, Caracas. * 1995-Individual Exhibition, Gemstones, the Agency innauracin Banco del Caribe, La Cascada, Los Teques. * 2.000/01/02/03/04 Group shows in the Exhibition Hall and Art Spaces, home paradise. * Collective exhibition 2.002/03/05-, January Exposition of the Divine Shepherdess, organized by the Daily Pulse, Barquisimeto Edo Lara. * 2002-Collective exhibition, November-December Guaraira-Repano/Avila Exhibition organized by Art Center Cadore, C / C.Santa Fe, Caracas. * 2003-Group Show Message of Peace to the World, organized by the plastic artist Victor Rosales * 2003-Group Show / December 2004, Exhibition Pintame Angels tribute to Andres Eloy Blanco, organized by the Art Gallery Art Point, home to 5 traansversal, between Av Alfredo Jhan and Andres Bello, Los Palos Grandes Urb. Produced by Artists: Daniel Briceoy Marimanu. * 2004-Collective exhibition Drawing Drawings in watercolor workshop, led by Luis Guevara Moreno, Workshop exhibition hall, Museum of Fine Arts, 2004-May 2004 * Group Show / May 2004, New Faces of National plastic Miranda, organized Foundation by Banco Industrial de Venezuela. * 2004-Group Show / May 2004, plastic artist Da Exhibition Homage to Benito Chapellin, organized by Association of Guaicaipuro plastic artist, Miranda chapter in the House of Culture Cecilio Acosta, Los Teques Edo Miranda. * 2004-Group Show / June 2004, organized by Association of Guaicaipuro plastic artist, chapter Miranda, odontologist Center Castillejo, Guarenas Edo Miranda. * Group Show 2004 "Human Figure Drawing Workshop Workshop exhibition hall, Museum of Fine Arts, October 2004. * 2004-Group Show - Dec., Metropolitan Sacred Art Exhibition, organized by the Metropolitan Clinic's doctor, in the Exhibition Hall Clinica Metropolitana, Caracas. HORACIO PIETRI BORN IN CARACAS, VENEZUELA, JULY 28, 1959 .- PRIMARY SCHOOL IN SAN AGUSTIN COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL IN CARACAS AND APPLICATION. [1964-1977] - he studied drawing and graphic arts, IN THE SCHOOL VISUAL ARTS CRISTOBAL ROJAS 'RAMIREZ BORIS WITH TEACHERS IN DRAWING AND LORENZO CALZADILLA ON SCREEN, DINORAH MORAZZANI EXPRESSION IN PLASTIC. (1978-1980) SCULPTURE WELDING AND METALLURGY IN THE EAP CRISTOBAL ROJAS-INCE, (1988 - 1982) DESIGN, MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES APPLIED IN THE INSTITUTE FREDERICK BRANDT, EN CARACAS PROF. ABILIO PADRON, PROF.VICTOR Irazábal HUGO AND PROF.WALTER Margulis. [1986-1989] CURRENTLY A MEMBER OF THE WORKSHOPS OF THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS OF CARACAS, SUFFERING OF THE HUMAN FIGURE DRAWING (PROF. ABILIO PADRON), and watercolor painting and etching techniques (PROFESSOR LUIS GUEVARA MORENO) [2000 - 2005] Monica Acosta Gómez nascent Caracas, Venezuela. Since the era of the secondary educacin began his interest in art in artistic educacin classes and started in oil painting. Ms later, after having made special Educacin studies, is part of his first course in drawing and painting. In summary the following has participated in workshops and art: STUDIES PIERRE. Course creyn drawing and painting, pastel, reading, watercolor and ink. Professor: Pierre Homsi Juri. 1991-1998. MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS. Workshop-figure drawing subject and a pretext for drawing and painting. Professor: Abilio Padrnos. 2002-2005. MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS. Watercolor workshop. Professor Luis Guevara Moreno. 2003-2004. MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS. Engraving. Drypoint and burin. Professor Luis Guevara Moreno. 2004-2005. He currently serves on the group ART & PART, consisting of a group of students of Professor Abilio Padrnos, who runs a workshop on human figure drawing in the workshop room of the Museum of Fine Arts Caracas.

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